Keep Elearning Simple
ScreenRec helps you quickly create educational content for students and employees without any IT overhead.
Free forever. No credit card | downloads so far Rated "Great" 4.5/5
What Can You Do With ScreenRec?
Academics and Teachers
Reach and engage students at scale
Subject Matter Experts
Create tutorials as fast as you can speak
Instructional Designers
Easily organize and share your content
eLearning Entrepreneurs
Build your business with one simple tool
Teach As Fast As You Can Speak
Wield the power of video
Use videos and screenshots to emphasize on important subjects
Provide quick feedback and comments with visual explanation
Let students follow their own pace when watching and learning
Give access to lectures and courses regardless of time and location
Share knowledge just in time
Create educational content with a single click of your mouse and auto-save it for later use
Let students share feedback or ask questions via quick videos and screenshots
Create training videos for new employees and organize them in an internal library
Share your experience with different products and teach others how to use them
Scale your learning process
Share privately or post on social media instantly
Let students help each other and create tutorials
Understand what students watched and for how long
Control access to specific videos, screenshots or collections
Build an eLearning business
Test any business idea with a quick content creation tool